Detailed Classification of Refractory Brick Types

Refractory Brick

According to the complexity of the shape and size, refractory bricks have been divided into general type, abnormal shape and special type. Only general refractory bricks that are included in the standard are discussed here. By shape, through the refractory bricks are divided into straight brick, wedge brick and arch angle brick. The so-called straight brick, which is composed of the length a, the width b and the thickness c of the three dimensions of a straight parallelepiped, also known as "rectangular brick." Straight brick specifications used to be expressed as axbxc. Into the wall with straight brick, straight brick and wrong seam with radiation-shaped tile in the wedge-shaped brick with puzzle straight brick.

Symmetry by shape or not, wedge-shaped brick is divided into asymmetric wedge-shaped brick and symmetrical double wedge-shaped brick. One-sided wedges are commonly referred to as slanting bricks, while double-sided wedges are referred to as wedges. Thus, the so-called wedge-shaped brick, both refers to the small face (width and thickness of the formation of the plane), the surface (the length and thickness of the formation of the plane) or large surface (the length and width of the plane) symmetrical trapezoidal hexahedron. Most oblique brick refers to the large (long and wide formed by the plane) for the right trapezoidal hexahedron.

Introduction of our company

Gongyi Taurus Refractory Material Factory is a professional refractory materials manufacturers and refractory materials suppliers,mainly supply Unshaped Refractories,Silicon Carbide Refractory Castable,Castable Refractory Cement,Pouring Material,Castable Refractory Concrete,Silica Ramming Mass etc. series of refractory materials products, sincerely welcome everyone to visit.

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